December 27, 2024. Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Milton Keynes, News, Oxfordshire

What Works webinar recordings published, sharing impact evaluations and wider research findings

The recordings of three “What Works” webinars hosted by the Violence Prevention Partnership to share the evidence and impact from recent intervention and research projects have been published.

A key role of the VPP is to undertake robust evaluations of its funded intervention projects, measuring their impact and identifying opportunities for best practice and wider learning.

The VPP has created the “What Works” series of publications and webinars through which to share our intervention evaluations and wider research, as we seek to drive best practice and the adoption of innovative, public health-led approaches to tackling the root causes of violence.

Following full report publication, individual webinars for partners were held. These are now available on open-to-all access via the links below.

Focused Deterrence:  Focused Deterrence was funded by the VPP in partnership with Milton Keynes Council and implemented a social care-led, support-first model of working with a carefully selected cohort of young people. Over all ages it saw 54% lower crime harm scores. In those under 18, the trial showed 70% lower crime harm scores, 60% fewer knife-related crimes as a suspect and 75% fewer knife-related crimes as a victim.

Read the full evaluation report

Watch the webinar recording

Schools Navigators: Schools Navigators is a VPP-funded intervention which aims to tackle the risk of further exclusion from school by providing trained youth workers who offer sessions of mentoring to pupils at the point of their first suspension. The trial showed a 17.5% lower level of additional suspensions.  For the four schools where the trial was run, there was an 11.5% reduction in overall suspensions compared to the control group.

Read the full evaluation report

Watch the webinar recording

Mentoring from NEET to EET: The VPP has undertaken a review of available academic evidence on the specific subject of mentoring those who are not in education, employment or training (NEET) to help them reengage.  The purpose was to inform the design of a future VPP-funded intervention working within this space, but it has generated wider learning that is of value to share.

Read the full research review

Watch the webinar recording