The Violence Prevention Partnership receives an annual grant, part of a wider three-year programme of funding from the Home Office.

The bulk of the grant is used to fund the development and implementation of new interventions to prevent and reduce violence.

Ministerial direction requires that the VPP only invest into interventions which fit within the High Impact Interventions listed on the Youth Endowment Fund Toolkit.

The interventions must also be delivered in response to local strategic need. As such, the investment has to be targeted at those geographic areas with the highest need and where the impact can be strongest.

The VRU’s programme of interventions is now entering its third and final year of the current funding cycle (which ends 31 March 2025).

In addition to testing impact, the interventions are also an opportunity to work with local system partners to develop longer-term sustainable approaches not reliant upon central funding.

Our current programme of grant-funded interventions include the following:
